Experiences of Women With Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Treated With High-Dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation: A Qualitative Study

Kam Singh, RN, MSc,; Clare Warnock, RN, MSc,; Jane Ireson, MA, RN,; Sarah Strickland, RN, BSc Hons,; Delia Short,; Michael J. Seckl, PhD, FRCP,; Barry W. Hancock, MD, FRCP


Purpose/Objectives: To explore the experiences of women with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia during and after treatment to understand their perspectives, priorities, and concerns.

Research Approach: A descriptive, exploratory study using in-depth semistructured interviews.

Setting: All interviews were conducted in a quiet, designated room at Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

Participants: Women with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia who had received stem cell transplantation from 2003 to 2013. Ten patients were eligible, and eight agreed to participate.

Methodologic Approach: Interviews were carried out over the phone and were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Framework analysis was carried out to generate in-depth descriptions of participants’ experiences.

Findings: Participants described significant physical, psychological, and social effects during and following treatment. Recovery was slow, and treatment had long-term effects on sexuality and body image. The impact of the women’s diagnosis and treatment on their children was a primary concern.

Interpretation: The study provided insight into the multidimensional impact of stem cell transplantation, which can continue after treatment. The need for family-centered services for patients with dependent children was identified.

Implications for Nursing: Nurses need to develop services that effectively communicate the challenges of stem cell transplantation to patients and provide family-centered care and late effects and rehabilitation services.

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