Older Adults With Lung Cancer: Assessment, Treatment Options, Survivorship Issues, and Palliative Care Strategies

Diane G. Cope, PhD, ARNP, BC, AOCNP®; Anne Reb, PhD, NP; Rowena Schwartz, PharmD, BCOP; Jody Simon, MS, RPh


Background: Treatment advances offer options for cancer treatment in older adults that are less invasive and have fewer side effects. Geriatric assessment is a key component of treatment planning to identify functional and physiologic status and is the basis of decision making.

Objectives: This article discusses the role of geriatric assessment, treatment options (e.g., surgical, chemotherapy, radiation therapy), survivorship issues, and palliative care strategies for older adults with cancer.

Methods: Literature was reviewed to identify geriatric assessment implications, current treatment strategies, and survivorship and palliative care interventions for older adults with cancer based on a case study approach.

Findings: Geriatric assessment is key to identifying deficits and disabilities in older adults with cancer and is a critical component in oncology treatment planning. Evidence-based, less invasive treatment options are available and offer older adults more tolerable oncologic therapies.

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