Ethics in Oncology Nursing

Jeanne Erickson | Kate Payne
Oncology Nursing Society


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Cancer care raises complex and often troubling issues for patients, families, and the nurses who care for them. Decisions often involve matters beyond simply the patient’s physical condition. Often, questions arise about what we should do and why—not about what we can do. Ethics helps us to separate what is medically possible from what is truly beneficial for the patient. 

Ethics in Oncology Nursing examines the inherent challenges encountered by nurses through the care of patients with cancer. In addition to foundational content on ethics and ethical practice, this book addresses key areas in oncology nursing in which ethical concerns commonly arise, including treatment decision-making, clinical trials, genetics, and palliative and end-of-life care. Case studies are provided to offer context and application to nursing practice. 
Ethics in Oncology Nursing was awarded third place in the 2016 American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Awards in the Professional Issues category and was also awarded an honorable mention in Nursing & Allied Health at the 2017 PROSE Awards. 

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