Evidence-Based Practice
Open Access Article

Putting Evidence Into Practice®: Evidence-Based Interventions for Cancer-Related Dyspnea

Wendye M. DiSalvo

Margaret M. Joyce

Leslie B. Tyson

Ann E. Culkin

Kathleen Mackay

interventions, dyspnea, opioid, oxygen inhalation therapy, complementary and alternative therapies, nebulizers and vaporizers
CJON 2008, 12(2), 341-352. DOI: 10.1188/08.CJON.341-352

Despite the common occurrence of cancer-related dyspnea, a paucity of literature is available for review, especially research literature that reports interventions to control dyspnea. The Oncology Nursing Society's Putting Evidence Into Practice® (PEP) initiative organized a team on nurses to examine the literature, rank the evidence, summarize the findings, and make recommendations for nursing practice to improve patient outcomes. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic agents have been used to treat dyspnea. Patients who received parenteral or oral immediate-release opioids demonstrated a benefit in the reduction of breathlessness; thus, parenteral or oral opioids are recommended for practice. Five interventions are listed in the effectiveness not established category and include extended-release morphine, midazolam plus morphine, nebulized opioids, the use of gas mixtures, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. This article critically examines the evidence, provides nurses with the best evidence for practice, and identifies gaps in the literature and opportunities for further research.

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    Shimoyama, N., & Shimoyama, M. (2002). Nebulized furosemide as a novel treatment for dyspnea in terminal cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 23(1), 73-76.
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    Bruera, E., Sala, R., Spruyt, O., Palmer, J. L., Zhang, T., & Willey, J. (2005). Nebulized versus subcutaneous morphine for patients with cancer dyspnea: A preliminary study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 29(6), 613-618.
    Quigley, C., Joel, S., Patel, N., Baksh, A., & Slevin, M. (2002). A phase I/II study of nebulized morphine-6-glucuronide in patients with cancer related breathlessness. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 23(1), 7-9.
    Tanaka, K., Shima, Y., Kakinuma, R., Kubota, K., Ohe, Y., Hojo, F., et al. (1999). Effect of nebulized morphine in cancer patients with dyspnea: A pilot study. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(12), 600-603.