
Palliative Radiation Therapy: Knowledge and Referrals Among Primary Care Providers

Sydney Schone

palliative radiation therapy, primary care providers, evidence-based education
CJON 2017, 21(3), 387-388. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.387-388

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Many individuals have significant symptoms related to this disease. Palliative radiation therapy (PRT) can relieve symptoms at the end of life for those with metastatic cancer. PRT is underused in treating patients with symptomatic cancer at the end of life, particularly in rural and remote settings, despite the evidence that supports it. The purpose of this evidence-based practice study is to (a) assess the knowledge of rural primary care providers about PRT, (b) disseminate evidence on the indications for PRT, and (c) increase palliative referrals.


  • Offering PRT is a practical approach to treating patients with a symptomatic cancer diagnosis.
  • Educating healthcare personnel on PRT indications is imperative to proficiently manage this at-risk population.
  • Using evidence-based guidelines for the indications of PRT can increase efficacy of the healthcare system, ultimately improving the quality of care for patients.  
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