Supportive Care

Scalp Cooling: Implementing a Cold Cap Program at a Community Breast Health Center

Mary Heery

Shaira Cohen

Zarek Mena

scalp cooling, alopecia prevention, breast cancer
CJON 2019, 23(3), 237-241. DOI: 10.1188/19.CJON.237-241

Many patients undergoing cancer treatment experience alopecia. To support patients, scalp cooling programs can be coordinated and implemented to educate patients and their caregivers on the benefits of and best practices for using cold caps to limit the extent of hair loss. In addition, fundraising events can alleviate the cost of cold caps and ensure that the treatment is more widely available to qualified patients. This article reviews the implementation of a cold cap program at a community breast health center. The results of the program indicate that patients who receive detailed education on scalp cooling with a cold cap, as well as have a trained cold capper to assist them with using the device, have an increased chance of limiting alopecia and retaining the majority of their hair.


  • Consistent application technique among trained cold cappers improves outcomes for patients in scalp cooling programs.
  • Fundraising events can support patients who cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs for scalp cooling regimens.
  • Educating patients on proper scalp and hair care following scalp cooling treatment can improve outcomes.
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