
Experience of Palliative Home Care According to Caregivers' and Patients' Ages in Hong Kong Chinese People

caregiver, palliative care, Chinese American
ONF 2000, 27(10), 1601-1605. DOI:

Purpose/Objectives: To identify the relationship be­tween family caregivers' reported difficulty in managing caregiver tasks and ages of caregivers and patients.

Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive survey.

Setting: A hospice homecare program in Hong Kong.

Sample: Twenty-nine Chinese family caregivers who had experienced at least weakly caragiving responsibllity for more than two months and ware able to read and understand Chinese.

Methods: Respondents completed a caregiver task inventory. Four homecare nurses assisted in the distribu­tion and collection of questionnaires.

Main Research Variables: Caregiver tasks and age and patient age.

Findings: Caregivers' age was negatively correlated with reported difficulty in overall tasks and in interper­sonal ties. The patients' age was negatively correlated with reported difficulty in direct care to patients, intrapersonal tasks, and overall tasks.

Conclusions: The younger the caregiver, the more difficulty he or she experienced in the coregiving role, particularly in the maintenance of social and family ties. Caregivers of younger patients experienced more difficulty in most aspects of careglvlng tasks. More research with a larger sample size is required to fully investigate the effect of age on the family caraglvlng experience and the validity of the caregiver task inventory.

lmplicatlons for Nursing Practice: Nursing support and preparation to younger caregivers and caregivers of younger patients are suggested in the practice of palliative home care. 

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