Spiritual Assessment of Patients With Cancer: The Moral Authority, Vocational, Aesthetic, Social, and Transcendent Model

Karen A. Skalla

J. Patrick McCoy

ONF 2006, 33(4), 745-751. DOI: 10.1188/06.ONF.745-751

Purpose/Objectives: To explore the nature of spiritual care in patients with cancer and discuss the Moral Authority, Vocational, Aesthetic, Social, and Transcendent (Mor-VAST) Model, a new theoretical model for assessment.

Data Sources: Published articles, online references.

Data Synthesis: Discussions regarding spirituality often do not occur for a variety of reasons but may affect physical and spiritual health of an individual.

Conclusions: Assessment of spirituality should be an integral part of cancer care. The Mor-VAST model can assist clinicians in discussing spirituality.

Implications for Nursing: Nurses should be aware of resources for referral to chaplaincy, but they can be a part of the process of spiritual support. Educational opportunities are available for nurses who wish to address their own spirituality so they can address spirituality comfortably and confidently with their patients.

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