Purpose/Objectives: To determine female physicians' and nurses' practices and attitudes toward breast self-examination (BSE).
Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional.
Setting: Two large, bed-capacity university hospitals and 11 smaller, bed-capacity public hospitals.
Sample: 201 female nurses and 149 female physicans who work day shift on medical and surgical wards.
Methods: Data were collected on a questionnaire form that was prepared based on information in the literature. The questionnaire had three sections: sociodemographic characteristics, health characteristics, and attitudes and practices related to BSE. Data were analyzed using t tests and chi-square tests.
Main Research Variables: Attitudes and practices related to BSE, clinical breast examination, and mammography.
Findings: Almost all of the female physicians and nurses knew how to conduct BSE but did not prioritize practicing it.
Conclusions: Female physicians and nurses in Istanbul, Turkey, did not take enough care in the proper timing of BSE (i.e., day 5 to day 7 after menstruation with the first day of menstruation being day 1) despite their knowledge about it.
Implications for Nursing: Female physicians and nurses need to improve their knowledge and sensitivity concerning breast cancer and BSE if they are to improve and maintain their own well-being as well as carry out their professional roles.
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