Open Access Article

2008 ONS Research Priorities Survey

Ardith Z. Doorenbos

Ann M. Berger

Cheryl Brohard-Holbert

Linda Eaton

Sharon L. Kozachik

Geri LoBiondo-Wood

Gail A. Mallory

Tessa Rue

Claudette G. Varricchio

cancer research, web-based surveys
ONF 2008, 35(6), E100-E107. DOI: 10.1188/08.ONF.E100-E107

Purpose/Objectives: To determine the priorities of oncology nursing research, including the effect of evidence-based practice resources as identified by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) membership in June 2008.

Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional.

Setting: A Web-based survey of ONS members.

Sample: Stratified into three groups: a representative random sample of the general membership (n = 4,460, 421 responded), an over-sampled random sample of advanced practice nurses (n = 980, 149 responded), and all ONS members who were doctorally prepared (n = 589, 143 responded); 713 responded overall.

Methods: The 2004 survey was revised and the new 2008 survey was beta tested. The invitation to complete the survey was sent via e-mail with a link to the survey Web site. A follow-up reminder was sent one week after the initial invitation.

Main Research Variables: 70 oncology nursing research topic questions, divided into five categories, and two additional categories regarding ONS Putting Evidence Into Practice® resources.

Findings: Quality of life and pain were the two highest rated topics, consistent with 2000 and 2004 research priority survey findings. Eleven topics were new to the top 20 ranked priority topics in 2008. Differences in rankings were apparent between member groups.

Conclusions: The respondents represented the broad spectrum of ONS membership. Changes in topic rankings indicate that oncology nursing research priorities have shifted since the 2004 survey. The lag in research result dissemination to clinical practice may account for differences in topic rating between groups.

Implications for Nursing: The survey results will be used to develop the 2009-2013 ONS Research Agenda. The results also will assist the ONS Foundation and other funding agencies in setting priorities.

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