Oral Chemotherapy Education: Using Innovation to Ensure Broad Access

Clare M. Sullivan, OCN®, BSN, MPH; Carole Dalby, RN, MBA, OCN®; Anne H. Gross, PhD, RN, FAAN; Kaitlin Chesnulevich, RN, BSN, OCN®; Christine W. Lilienfeld, RN, BSN, OCN®; Catherine Hooper, RN, BSN, OCN®; Patricia Rizzo, RN, BSN; Thomas Kochanek, PhD


The purpose of this article is to share one institution's intervention to improve oral chemotherapy patient education. The overall aim was to provide clinicians with a single source of educational materials that would meet a diverse group of patients' educational needs and be consistent with published guidelines. Have a consistent message when standardizing educational materials across a large academic institutional setting. Social media is an innovative platform to distribute patient educational materials. An animated audiovisual is a cost-effective method of producing patient education.




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