Improving Transitions of Care With an Advanced Practice Nurse: A Pilot Study

Martha Tan-Fu Hsueh, DNP, RN-BC; and Kathleen Shannon Dorcy, RN, PhD


Gaps in complex oncology care coordination between inpatient and outpatient settings can result in treatment and monitoring delays and omissions, which can negatively affect patient outcomes. Gaps also exist for patients facing complex treatment modalities and collaborations between multiple care teams working at geographically distant sites. A pilot advanced practice nurse care coordinator (APNCC) role to coordinate these complex care transitions and implement processes for safer and more efficient care has shown promise.

Treatment and monitoring delays can negatively affect patient outcomes.

The APNCC can minimize transition gaps, improve patient safety, and increase the quality of care delivery through effectiveness and efficiency.

The APNCC pilot program reduced patient length of stay and infection rates.

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