Chujo, M., Mikami, I., Takashima, S., Saeki, T., Ohsumi, S., Aogi, K., et al. (2005). A feasibility study of psychosocial group intervention for breast cancer patients with first recurrence. Supportive Care in Cancer, 13, 503–514.

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Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The intervention was a six-week structured psychosocial support group of 90 minutes led by a male psychiatrist and nurses with experience in facilitation cancer groups. Each group member received

  • 20 minutes for stress-management method and problem-solving method
  • 50 minutes for discussion on coping
  • 20 minutes for learning progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and audiotapes to use twice a day.

Measurements were done at baseline, then immediately following the six-week intervention, then three months and six months later.

Eleven women refused to participate but were interested in group intervention and consented to answering questionnaires. These women were given materials after completion of the survey and the PMR tape.

Sample Characteristics

  • The participants were Japanese women with first recurrence of breast cancer (recurrence within three months to one year of initial diagnosis).
  • The intervention group consisted of 28 participants (19 finished the trial); 11 women refused to participate.

Study Design

The study design was quasi-experimental without a control group.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Profile of Mood States (POMS)
  • Impact of Event Scale–Revised
  • Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale
  • EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire—Cancer 30/Breast module 23 (QLQ-C30/Br23)
  • Dunnett’s test to examine changes in scores between baseline and at three and six months after the intervention


Results in the intervention group revealed significant changes in scores for tension-anxiety on POMS in the period up to three months after the intervention; no differences were noted at six months after the intervention.


  • The study had a nonrandomized design.
  • The study had a small sample size.