Fay, A.P., Moreira, R.B., Nunes Filho, P.R., Albuquerque, C., & Barrios, C.H. (2016). The management of immune-related adverse events associated with immune checkpoint blockade. Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care, 1, 89–97. 

DOI Link

Purpose & Patient Population

PURPOSE: To review article
TYPES OF PATIENTS ADDRESSED: Immune checkpoint blockade therapy

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

RESOURCE TYPE: Expert opinion


Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Active antitumor treatment

Results Provided in the Reference

Review article

Guidelines & Recommendations

General guidelines: Grade 2: Treatment break until toxicity is grade 1 or less, prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day or equivalent start if no improvement in symptoms occur after a few days. Grade 3–4: Prednisone 1–2 mg/kg/day or equivalent; after toxicity is grade 1, taper steroid over a few weeks. Immune therapy may need to be discontinued.
Rash: Topical steroids, such as betamethasone 0.1% or clobetasol 0.05%. Grade 2: Topical or oral steroids, such as prednisone, dosed up to 0.5 mg/kg/day or equivalent. Grade 3: IV methylprednisolone 1–2 mg/kg/day or equivalent. When rash improves, switch to oral therapy and taper carefully.
Diarrhea: Grade 1–2: Antidiarrheal agents, oral hydration and electrolytes, diet changes, and antimotility agents. Persisting Grade 2 diarrhea: 4–6 stool/day for more than three days; steroid 0.5 mg/kg/day prednisolone or equivalent; with improvement in diarrhea, taper steroids over four weeks. Grade 3–4: Seven stools/day or more; colonoscopy or CT abdomen; stool for leucocytes and culture; IV fluids; and IV steroids, such as methylprednisolone, 125 mg followed by oral steroids prednisone 1–2 mg/kg or equivalent. Infliximab 5 mg/kg every two weeks if colitis does not improve in 2–3 days. Taper steroids over 6–8 weeks after improvement.  
Dyspnea—severe toxicity: 1–2 mg/kg IV steroid; if no improvement, infliximab or other immune-suppressant agents may be used.


Literature review of common checkpoint inhibitor adverse and serious adverse events. No evidence quality review was provided.

Nursing Implications

Research is needed on the management of checkpoint inhibitor therapy toxicities.