Rexilius, S.J., Mundt, C., Erickson Megel, M., & Agrawal, S. (2002). Therapeutic effects of massage therapy and healing touch on caregivers of patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29, E35–E44.

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Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

In the control group, one of the researchers visited caregivers for about 10 minutes twice a week for three weeks and asked, “How are you doing?”

In the massage therapy and Healing Touch groups, caregivers were provided with six 30-minute sessions. A certified massage therapist administered massage therapy, and a certified therapist provided Healing Touch treatments.

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample (N = 36) was comprised of family caregivers of patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
  • Caregivers did not have an acute health problem.


Outpatient oncology clinic

Study Design

  • The study was a well-designed quasi-experimental trial without randomization (control group [n = 13], massage therapy group [n = 13], Healing Touch group [n = 10]).
  • The sample size was determined by power analysis.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Subjective Burden Scale
  • Beck Anxiety Inventory
  • Center for Epidemiologic Studies–Depression
  • Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory–20


  • No significant difference was found in burden.
  • Anxiety scores declined significantly for the massage therapy group only.
  • Although depression scores declined for both treatment groups, only the massage therapy group achieved significance on post-hoc analysis.
  • Significant differences in general fatigue, reduced motivation fatigue, and emotional fatigue were found between the control and massage therapy groups, but no differences were found in physical fatigue and activity.


  • The study had a small sample and no randomization.
  • Special training was needed for the intervention.