Acupuncture and Methylcobalamin

Acupuncture is a method of producing analgesia or altering the function of a body system by inserting fine, wire-thin needles (about the diameter of a strand of hair) into acupoints along a specific meridian (meridians are channels in the body that transport energy) on the body. The needles are twirled or energized electronically or are warmed and left in place for approximately 20-30 minutes. Acupuncture has been evaluated in anxiety, CINV, dyspnea, pain, hot flashes, depression, lymphedema, sleep-wake disturbance, peripheral neuropathy, and fatigue. Methylcobalamin is a form of vitamin B12 used in the body. B vitamins are essential for normal nerve function and have been studies to treat neuropathy.

Guideline / Expert Opinion