Chapters are to be clear, concise yet comprehensive, and well-referenced. They should provide practical information, implications for practice, and, if appropriate, patient education resources. Chapters focused on treatments that have not yet received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval will not be accepted unless under review by the FDA.
Chapters are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are contributed solely to this publication, that the material is original, and that the material has not been published. All chapters will be reviewed for originality via iThenticate. Chapters found to plagiarize the work of others will be prohibited from publication by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS). Chapters considered for publication go through peer review. For more information, view the Frequently Asked Questions for Book Chapter Authors form or contact us at
Tables: Each should be typed on a separate page at the end of the text.
Figures: Figures should be professionally drawn or computer generated and included on separate pages at the end of the manuscript.
Photographs: High-resolution (300 dpi) black-and-white or color photographs can be submitted electronically in most common file formats.
References: Chapters should be well referenced. If citing older references, include only pertinent, seminal sources. The reference list (not a bibliography) must be typed and double spaced and follow APA format (in text and reference list). Use APA's recommended formats for electronic references. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all reference citations and are expected to have read and verified all of the listed references.
An author should perform the following when submitting a chapter:
Review Process: Chapters will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Reviewer comments will be shared with the author. Chapters are subject to editorial revision for clarity, punctuation, grammar, syntax, and conformity to style and length. When necessary, the author will perform substantive revisions based on feedback from the editor and peer reviewers. The author will have an opportunity to review the final manuscript before publication.