
Hidden Patients, Hidden Partners: Prostate Cancer Care for Gay and Bisexual Men

Elizabeth K. Arthur

Charles Kamen

prostate cancer, gay and bisexual men, homosexuality, social support, sexual minority
ONF 2018, 45(4), 435-438. DOI: 10.1188/18.ONF.435-438

Research and clinical practice efforts to improve outcomes for men with prostate cancer have largely ignored the unique social support circumstances of gay and bisexual men (GBM), leading to a gap in the literature regarding social support needs of GBM with prostate cancer. Capistrant et al. (2018) addressed this gap by using survey data to examine social support and quality of life in GBM with prostate cancer. Their work provides insights about how nurses can make changes through research and clinical care to better treat GBM with prostate cancer.

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