Permissions and Licensing

ONS Publication Permissions

All material published by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is copyrighted by ONS and protected under U.S. and international copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and online posting of ONS copyrighted content is strictly prohibited. Permission from ONS is required to post online, reuse, reprint, publicly display, photocopy (other than for “fair use”—see below), or otherwise reproduce for any purpose ONS full-text journal articles or book chapters. The same also applies to tables, figures, and text excerpts that have appeared on the ONS website or in ONS journals, books, newsletters, promotional materials, courses, videos, standards, competencies, evidence-based resources, tools, scales, or any other ONS publications or products. Please note that permission is needed to reprint or otherwise reuse materials that you originally authored.

To request permission to reprint, adapt, excerpt, post online, or otherwise reuse content from the Oncology Nursing Forum (ONF), Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON), or an ONS book, submit your request through the Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace. Please include as many details about your request as possible.

Any other requests, including those for academic or educational purposes, as well as requests outside of those offered by the Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace, and additional queries related to permissions requests can be directed to

Permission is subject to the Terms and Conditions for Permissions, which are available at

  • “Fair use” under U.S. copyright law allows for single copies without permission for noncommercial use. Permission to make multiple copies of the full-text of an ONF or CJON article, ONS books, and other ONS intellectual property should be submitted to the Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace.

  • ONS Voice: Blanket permission for downloading and printing any material in ONS Voice is granted to ONS members. Nonmembers may also download and print one copy for personal use. Requests for distributing multiple printouts should be directed to

  • ONS position statements: ONS position statements may be downloaded from the ONS website and reprinted without requesting permission.

Accessing ONF, CJON, and ONS Voice Archives

  • ONF and CJON (ONF, 2000–present; CJON, 2001–present): ONS members can access (free of charge) full-text issues of ONF and CJON online dating back to 2000 and 2001, respectively. Nonmembers can view articles on a pay-per-view basis.

  • ONF and CJON (before 2000 and 2001, respectively): To request an article that was published before 2000 (ONF) or 2001 (CJON), email or, respectively.

  • ONS Voice: Current and past issues are available online to members and nonmembers.

    Still have a permission question? Email

ONS Licensing—Connecting Your Organization to ONS’s Peer-Reviewed Products

Provide your employees and customers with convenient, cost-effective access to hundreds of peer-reviewed articles, courses, publications, research resources, and other products. As a professional association of more than 35,000 members committed to promoting excellence in oncology nursing and the transformation of cancer care, ONS produces some of the most highly respected products in the field of nursing, including:

Licensing Options and Benefits

  • Reprints: Purchase customized, high-quality, professionally produced reprints of ONS journal articles, book chapters, and other content directly from ONS (50 reprint minimum). For more information, email
  • Integration: Purchase a license to incorporate ONS’s oncology-specific telephone triage protocols into your institution’s EMR or EHR system.
  • Customization: Licensing partners may customize ONS intellectual property for inclusion in your product, service, or other commercial endeavor.
  • Standards and guidelines: ONS standards and guidelines can be incorporated into your institution’s clinical practice or electronic health record system.
  • Core competencies: Your organization can implement ONS-developed core competencies for a wide variety of oncology nursing roles.
  • Research resources: Explore the possibility of using ONS quality measures and PEP resources to conduct research or for commercial purposes.
  • Accessibility: Your staff or customers will have immediate access to the licensed content at a centralized location.
  • Enhance your library: A site license will serve to supplement your electronic oncology nursing library.
  • Discounts: Purchase ONS products at a discount in bulk quantities, including books and online courses.
  • Your ideas: ONS is interested in hearing your unique ideas related to a potential ONS licensing arrangement that would best serve your organization.

Contact Us

Email to learn more about products available for group purchase. Current organizational customers can email with questions. Authors and others seeking limited, one-time permission to reprint content from an ONS resource should visit the Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace. Any other permissions requests and additional queries related to permissions requests can be directed to