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Everyday oncology nurses make an incredible impact on their patients lives, their profession, and the way the world cares for those living with cancer.
Nominate Nurses for Awards
Nominate a fellow nurse, researcher, or employer who is making an outstanding contribution to the oncology profession.
Each year, ONS honors members who display a special commitment to their field. Most of these include a cash award, a commemorative plaque, and reimbursement to attend the annual ONS Congress®. The deadline for ONS Award nominations is September 30.
Celebrate at Work
Buy flowers or cookies for the oncology nursing staff or colleagues.
Hold an Oncology Nurse Appreciation Day at your hospital. Invite employees and the general public.
Develop an Oncology Nursing Month display to acknowledge cancer nurses in your workplace.
Arrange a social gathering with your local ONS chapter and seek donations toward the event from your oncology department and/or hospital administration.
Celebrate in the Community
Plan an educational program in your community, such as a free cancer screening.
Sponsor a child at a cancer camp.
Speak to students about a career in oncology nursing. Remember, full-time students receive a free student membership to ONS! (ONS extends an annual complimentary membership to all pre-licensure students enrolled full-time in a nursing program.)
Spread the Word
Follow us @oncologynursing on Twitter and Instagram and tag us in your celebration.
Contact your local media and suggest a story on a day-in-the-life of an oncology nurse or highlight a community-service project in which your chapter or organization was involved.
Write a letter to the editor on behalf of your chapter or institution.
Remember to contact the media whenever your oncology nurses win awards.